Small Business Super Clearing House – Planned Outage 24-25 June 2023
📣 Attention small business owners and clients! 📣
Important Update: Super Clearing House Maintenance
📅 Dates: 24-25 June 2023
The Small Business Super Clearing house (SBSCH) will be undergoing scheduled maintenance. During this period, the system will be temporarily unavailable.
What you need to know:
To claim a tax deduction for super payments made before 30 June, it is crucial to adjust your payment plans and make payments prior to the outage.
If super payments are made after the outage, you may not be eligible to claim a deduction for the financial year ending 30 June 2023.
⚠️ Action required:
Make sure to pay ahead of the outage to avoid any delays in payments reaching your employees’ super funds after 30 June.
More information here.